The King’s Awards for Enterprise 2025

20 May 2024

Government House is pleased to announce that the window for applications for the King’s Awards for Enterprise 2025 opened on 6th May 2024.

The King’s Awards for Enterprise are for outstanding achievement by UK businesses (including Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) in the categories of:

  • innovation
  • international trade
  • sustainable development
  • promoting opportunity through social mobility

Businesses that receive an award are:

  • invited to a Royal reception
  • presented with the award at their company by one of The King’s representatives, (in the case of the Isle of Man, this would be His Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor)
  • able to fly The King’s Awards flag at their main office, and use the emblem on their marketing materials (for example, on their packaging, advertisements, stationery and website)
  • given a Grant of Appointment (an official certificate) and a commemorative crystal trophy.

The awards are valid for 5 years.

The application process closes on 12 September 2024.

His Excellency said ‘I would encourage eligible businesses on the Isle of Man to put themselves forward for the King’s Awards for Enterprise. There are so many benefits of being given one of these awards, and it is wonderful way to celebrate the achievements of your company and the people who make them happen.’

Department for Enterprise, Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce and the Isle of Man Branch of the Institute of Directors are also encouraging local businesses to apply for an award.

Tim Johnston MHK, Minister for Enterprise, commented: ‘At the Department for Enterprise, we are fortunate to work with many local businesses which embody the very accolades celebrated by this award, and I would absolutely encourage all Isle of Man businesses to seize the opportunity to nominate themselves. Being recognised by the King’s Award for Enterprise is not only an achievement for those businesses, but also presents an opportunity to showcase the important work they are doing on a national scale.’

Rebecca George, CEO of the Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce added ‘The Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage its members and the wider business community to participate in The King’s Awards for Enterprise. These prestigious awards offer a unique platform for local companies to gain international recognition. Winning such an award can significantly enhance a business’s profile, opening doors to new trade opportunities and investment.  The recognition and exposure from The King’s Awards can serve as a catalyst for further economic growth and elevate the global stature of our local enterprises’.

Steve Billinghurst, Chair of the Institute of Directors (IoD) Isle of Man, said ‘The Institute of Directors' (IoD) membership represents a broad cross section of the Isle of Man business community and recognition of the international success, innovation and sustainability of Manx businesses with the King's Award for Enterprise would be fitting celebration.  With over 7,000 companies awarded to date in the programme's 56 years, recipients are truly outstanding in their own fields and I am certain that we have such outstanding firms here on the Island.  I and the local IoD Ambassadors will work with our members to encourage and support their application for these Awards."

Further information can be found here: