Funds & Wealth Management
Discover a Forward-Thinking Sector
The Isle of Man has developed a well-respected and forward-thinking funds sector which has operated for over 30 years.
The Isle of Man prides itself on being able to work closely with client managers and fund investors alike, in many cases providing bespoke services specifically relating to individual funds.
Full Range of Fund Options
The Isle of Man has a full range of fund options available including overseas schemes from other fund jurisdictions, fully regulated retail schemes and private funds arrangements (“exempt schemes”) that are not directly subject to regulation. Between these extremes is a range of funds subject to varying degrees of regulation geared to breadth of institutional and complex funds needs:
- Complex multi-strategy hedge funds
- Managed accounts
- Funds of funds
- Quoted companies
- Private equity
Funds can be administered in the Isle of Man whether they are domiciled in another jurisdiction or in one of the excellent local products on offer.

Award Winning Wealth Managers
The Isle of Man has an excellent reputation with over £18bn of funds under management; well established relationships with prime brokers and a full complement of supporting professional services including fund administrators, legal firms, fiduciaries and custodians, ensure a complete service. Local regulation and experienced, mature sector staff ensure that you can expect a high quality service to rival anywhere within the global fund industry.

Why the Isle of Man for Funds?
- Demonstrably lower cost than competitors
- No VAT on fees of fund administrators & investment managers (except for exempt schemes)
- A simple & effective tax regime, 0% corporation tax
- High earning investment managers and fund promoters are incentivised by a tax liability cap of £200,000 per annum
- Full range of local fund options, and full choice of international equivalents (Cayman, BVI domiciled)
- Well regulated - funds administration & management are overseen by the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority – a proven, pragmatic regulator (Collective Investment Schemes Act 2008 sets out the statutory framework for the promotion & regulation of investment funds)
- Incorporation, domiciliation & administration of funds all within one jurisdiction
- Compensations scheme for investors in authorised collective investment schemes if a fund manager or trustee defaults. 100% of the first £30,000. 90% of the next £20,000.